Automation TeamCity Tips for Easy, Repeatable Builds One of the most important things about Continuous Integration (CI) builds is that they work the same, all the time. What is even more important is that they only succeed if everything is
Automation TeamCity Ansible Vault Integration TeamCity is a powerful CI/CD tool which we use a lot together with Ansible for host provisioning and application deployment. The problem is that TeamCity doesn't have good support for running Ansible playbooks.
Infrastructure Postgres Meltdown and Spectre Benchmarks You all probably heard about Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities that are exploiting bugs in the modern CPU architecture. The biggest problem with these vulnerabilities is that they are hardware bugs, so they cannot easily be fixed.
Automation Managing Iptables with Ansible the Easy Way When we started working with Ansible, we struggled to find a simple and easy solution to manage iptables. Ansible doesn’t have a built-in way of configuring iptables...
Automation Ansible Check Mode Tips Ansible has been the bread and butter of automation here at Nordeus for a few years now. We’ve used it to automate everything from system configurations to custom orchestrated application deploys.
Infrastructure Power Failure Testing with SSDs Solid State Drive (SSD) is a technology which brings a few times better performance compared to enterprise SAS drives and we at Nordeus are heavily using it with Postgres.
Postgres psql – Exit on First Error Postgre has an awesome command line client we all use and love called psql. We usually use psql in an interactive mode where we connect to the database and then type and execute queries.