ML-AI Artificial Intelligence in Heroic: Magic Duel History has mostly focused on AI beating humans in a game. However, in the games industry it’s usually quite the opposite from that. In this blog we provide a walkthrough of how we designed and implemented the AI system used in Heroic: Magic Duel game.
ML-AI Paper Insight: Image-to-image translation - Pix2pix and Cycle GAN Many problems in computer graphics are a translation of an input image into a corresponding output image like colorizing black and white image and converting horses to zebras and similar. This article will cover two very interesting approaches based on generative adversarial networks - GANs.
ML-AI Paper Insight: Recent Progress in Self-Supervised Image Animation In this paper insight we discuss two recent papers that deal with the following problem: how to animate an image given a target video with motion in a self-supervised manner. This involves unsupervised keypoint detection, segmentation and optical flow estimation along the way.
ML-AI Learning to play Heroic - Magic Duel with Deep RL We trained a Deep RL agent for our 1 v 1 real-time action strategy game, Heroic - Magic Duel, via ensemble self-play with only a simple reward of +-1. The agent obtains over 50% win rate against a top human player and over 60% against the existing AI.
ML-AI Paper Insight: Learning of Behavior Trees for Autonomous Agents This article covers a hybrid algorithm based on genetic programming and greedy search that can be used to automatically generate behavior trees for an environment
ML-AI Contextual Bandits for In-App Recommendation In this post, we introduce some theory of contextual bandits, which have become a popular approach to recommender problems, where there are many possible items to offer and there is frequent interaction with the users, e.g. via click/no-click or purchase/no-purchase events.
ML-AI Paper Insight: Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model MuZero is a new reinforcement learning algorithm that achieves state-of-the-art results in Atari benchmarks, and matches performance of AlphaZero in chess, shogi and go. It does all of this with greater sample efficiency and, consequently, in less training time.
ML-AI Paper Insight: Face-to-Parameter Translation via Neural Network Renderer In this post, we will focus on talk held at GDC 20 for a MMORPG game called Justice by NetEase currently published in China. Authors presented an algorithm that can be used to generate an in-game rendered face for a character from a given input image (from real life).
ML-AI Paper Insight: Generating Motion with Neural Networks & Motion Capture In this post, we give an overview of some of the recent advancements in deep learning-based character animation. In particular, we discuss two papers that provide a way to use neural networks to turn motion capture data into interactive character controllers.
ML-AI Paper Insight: The A.I. of F.E.A.R. The goal of this article is to give a brief overview on how does goal-oriented AI developed for F.E.A.R. work as it stands among the most interesing AI developed for FPS games even today!
Automation TeamCity Tips for Easy, Repeatable Builds One of the most important things about Continuous Integration (CI) builds is that they work the same, all the time. What is even more important is that they only succeed if everything is
Performance A Case Study: Post Processing Effects at 60 FPS on Mid-Range Smartphones In 2017, we started a cooperation with Arm [], the UK-based chip designer, whose chips are found in over 95% of the world's smartphones. Initially, the motivation for
Automation TeamCity Ansible Vault Integration TeamCity is a powerful CI/CD tool which we use a lot together with Ansible for host provisioning and application deployment. The problem is that TeamCity doesn't have good support for running Ansible playbooks.
Testing Reducing Our Regression Testing by 80%: Screenshot Tests for Top Eleven Top Eleven is a very complex game, with a high number of different screens and GUI elements. Doing regression testing by going through all these screens manually can take a while, and can
Unity An Invite to Unity Hackweek 2018, Yes Please! Unity Hackweek is a once-a-year event. A chance for Unity R&D and friends to get together for a week of hacking, sharing ideas and know-how. As the Unity folks explain, it propels Unity forward like no other event.
Automation Using Ansible to Automate OpenNebula Since we started using the open source cloud platform OpenNebula as our private cloud solution, we struggled to find a simple solution to manage VMs, services and images on it.
Infrastructure Postgres Meltdown and Spectre Benchmarks You all probably heard about Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities that are exploiting bugs in the modern CPU architecture. The biggest problem with these vulnerabilities is that they are hardware bugs, so they cannot easily be fixed.
Performance Massive Battle in the Spellsouls Universe - Unite Austin 2017 New and exciting technologies are coming to Unity in the form of Job System, C# Compute Compiler and a new Entity-Component System.
Rendering The AAA Graphics of Spellsouls: The Journey to 60FPS on Mobile - Unite Austin 2017 Listen in on how we created a PBR-like shader that runs on mobile, scaled the game across a wide range of devices (low-end toasters included), and all the other various optimizations we implemented necessary to reach silky-smooth 60FPS.
Rendering The Real-time VFX of Spellsouls - Unite Europe 2017 Learn how to raise the quality bar and optimize VFX for real-time usage on mobile devices.
Automation Managing Iptables with Ansible the Easy Way When we started working with Ansible, we struggled to find a simple and easy solution to manage iptables. Ansible doesn’t have a built-in way of configuring iptables...
Database Partitioning Existing Tables in Postgres So, your database is growing rapidly, as, ideally, is your business. The problem is, its performance is getting worse. You’re starting to wonder whether partitioning your tables might help.
Performance Building Sprite Sheets at Runtime - Unite 2016 Using Sprite Sheets brings about a huge gain of performance to anything rendered in 2D. In this talk, I show how to make all the necessary tools to have your own run-time created Sprite Sheets.
Data-Science Perfecting A/B Testing A/B testing has been playing a very important role in the gaming industry in the past years, ever since the free to play model gained an edge. It has been the go to method when unsure about the potential and value of a new or redesigned game feature.
Automation Ansible Check Mode Tips Ansible has been the bread and butter of automation here at Nordeus for a few years now. We’ve used it to automate everything from system configurations to custom orchestrated application deploys.