ML-AI Paper Insight: Image-to-image translation - Pix2pix and Cycle GAN Many problems in computer graphics are a translation of an input image into a corresponding output image like colorizing black and white image and converting horses to zebras and similar. This article will cover two very interesting approaches based on generative adversarial networks - GANs.
ML-AI Paper Insight: Learning of Behavior Trees for Autonomous Agents This article covers a hybrid algorithm based on genetic programming and greedy search that can be used to automatically generate behavior trees for an environment
ML-AI Paper Insight: Face-to-Parameter Translation via Neural Network Renderer In this post, we will focus on talk held at GDC 20 for a MMORPG game called Justice by NetEase currently published in China. Authors presented an algorithm that can be used to generate an in-game rendered face for a character from a given input image (from real life).
ML-AI Paper Insight: The A.I. of F.E.A.R. The goal of this article is to give a brief overview on how does goal-oriented AI developed for F.E.A.R. work as it stands among the most interesing AI developed for FPS games even today!